Project: Integrated Processes for MOnitoring and TReatment of EMerging Contaminants for Water Reuse

Acronym MOTREM (Reference Number: WaterJPI-PilotCall-2013-04)
Duration 01/01/2015 - 31/08/2017
Project Topic The MOTREM project is a Water JPI project that focuses on the development of integrated processes for monitoring and treatment of emerging contaminants (ECs), improving the efficiency of the removal of these pollutants in urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), especially for water reuse. The project aims to provide new technologies for water treatment and/or improving the existing ones through the development of integrated processes for monitoring and treatment of ECs in the current waterline of municipal wastewater treatment plants, especially focusing on the aspect of water reuse. For this goal, the project combines cross- and multi-disciplinary expertise on water treatment processes design and engineering, analytical chemistry and ecotoxicology applied to ECs that guarantee the generation not only on new scientific knowledge but also of innovative commercial solutions to the market
Website visit project website
Network Water JPI
Call Water JPI Pilot Call

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Coordinator Spain
2 Universität Stuttgart Partner Germany
3 University of Helsinki Partner Finland
4 Università di Torino Partner Italy
5 FCC Aqualia S.A. Partner Spain
6 Bruker Española, S.A. Partner Spain