Project: Grading of timber for engineering wood products

The objective of this research is to improve the competitiveness of timber as a structural material and to increase its market share in construction. This will be achieved by improving the cost effectiveness of the wood processing industry and the credibility of timber as a professional structural material. Our method is to apply modern technologies and better practises in strength grading, and integrate it to sawmilling process. Naturally, the project cannot reach these goals alone, but it pursues to produce the means and help for the industry to improve its processes and technology including standardisation to reach the goals.

Duration 01/12/2007 - 31/08/2011
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Project partner

Number Name Role Country
Building Research Establishment Ltd United Kingdom
Holzforschung AT, ATn Forest Products Research Society Austria
SP Technical Research Institute of SE Sweden
Technical Research Centre of FI Coordinator Finland
Technical University of Munich - Chair for Timber Structures and Building Construction Germany
Technological Institute for Forest Cellulose, Construction-wood and Furniture France
University of Ljubljana Slovenia
Vienna University of Technology Austria