
Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG)

Country: Ireland

Government department responsible for housing, planning and local government supporting the sustainable and efficient delivery of well-planned homes, and effective local government. Goals include: 1) ensure that planning and building in our regions and communities contributes to sustainable and balanced development, 2) provide for a stable, sustainable supply of good quality housing, 3) provide a framework for the sustainable management of water resources from source to sea, 4) support and enable democratic, responsive and effective local government, effective electoral management and high quality fire services and emergency management, 5) serve society by producting and communicating reliable weather and climate information to protect life and property and to improve Met Éireann’s role as the authoritative voice for high impact weather in Ireland.

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Organisation Details

National organisation

Type of national organisation

  • National Ministry or Department with responsibilities for distributing funds to Research Agencies or Councils

Cooperation overview

Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government is involved in 0 partnerships

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Country Number of Partnerships Number of Calls
Belgium 0 1
Brazil 0 1
Estonia 0 1
Germany 0 1
Portugal 0 1
Denmark 0 1
Malta 0 1
Iceland 0 1
Latvia 0 1
Italy 0 1
France 0 1
Norway 0 1
Spain 0 1
Sweden 0 1