

Country: Norway

The purpose of the Association, in line with its agreed vision to address the grand challenges of oceans and seas, is to act as a strategic platform to provide a long-term approach to marine and maritime research and technology development in Europe. Furthermore, by aligning national priorities and public investments, agreeing common priorities, knowledge sharing and coordination and through the implementation of joint actions, the Association will add to the value and impact of national research and innovation investments on behalf of its Members. The Association is furthermore to act as an interface between European and international activities at global and regional levels whenever relevant.

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Organisation Details

National organisation

Type of national organisation

  • Other: International non-profit association



  • SBEP (Horizon Europe)

Cooperation overview

JPI Oceans AISBL is involved in 2 partnerships

Toggle map:
Country Number of Partnerships Number of Calls
Finland 2 0
Portugal 2 0
Belgium 2 0
Bulgaria 1 0
Spain 2 0
Denmark 2 0
Estonia 2 0
Germany 2 0
Greece 2 0
Iceland 2 0
Italy 2 0
Latvia 1 0
Ireland 2 0
Netherlands 2 0
Romania 2 0
Malta 2 0
Slovenia 1 0
Poland 2 0
France 2 0
Faroe Islands 1 0
Lithuania 2 0
Cyprus 1 0
Sweden 2 0
Türkiye 2 0
Tunisia 1 0
United Kingdom 1 0