
Marine Institute (MI)

Country: Ireland

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Organisation Details

National organisation

Type of national organisation

  • National Agency or Council with responsibilities for distributing funds directly to researchers


Cooperation overview

Marine Institute is involved in 9 partnerships

Toggle map:
Country Number of Partnerships Number of Calls
Finland 3 4
Portugal 9 11
Belgium 9 14
Bulgaria 2 0
Spain 8 11
Denmark 5 8
Estonia 3 6
Germany 8 11
Greece 6 3
Iceland 6 11
Norway 9 15
Italy 6 11
Latvia 2 6
Netherlands 6 5
Romania 6 10
Malta 5 9
Slovenia 2 4
Poland 4 5
France 9 9
Faroe Islands 1 2
Lithuania 1 2
Cyprus 2 2
Sweden 4 8
Türkiye 3 5
Tunisia 1 1
United Kingdom 5 1
Miscellaneous 1 0
Canada 1 1
European Union 3 0
South Africa 1 2
Argentina 1 1
Belarus 1 2
Brazil 0 2
Georgia 1 0
Ukraine 1 0
Croatia 1 4