
Millennium Nucleus for Collaborative Research on Bacterial Resistance (MICROB-R)

Country: Chile

A multidisciplinary group of scientists dedicated to studying why antibiotic-resistant bacteria are generated, how they behave in different situations, what factors favor their development, and what their connection is with the environment, animals, and production chains.

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Organisation Details

National organisation

Type of national organisation

  • Other: on behalf of the Ministry of Health


Cooperation overview

Millennium Nucleus for Collaborative Research on Bacterial Resistance is involved in 1 partnerships

Toggle map:
Country Number of Partnerships Number of Calls
Argentina 1 0
Belgium 1 0
Canada 1 0
Czech Republic 1 0
Denmark 1 0
Egypt 1 0
Estonia 1 0
Finland 1 0
France 1 0
Germany 1 0
Greece 1 0
India 1 0
Israel 1 0
Italy 1 0
Japan 1 0
Korea, Republic of 1 0
Moldova 1 0
Netherlands 1 0
Norway 1 0
Poland 1 0
Romania 1 0
South Africa 1 0
Spain 1 0
Sweden 1 0
Switzerland 1 0
Türkiye 1 0
United Kingdom 1 0