
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)


Country: Netherlands

Show cooperations

Organisation Details

National organisation

Type of national organisation

  • National Agency or Council with responsibilities for distributing funds directly to researchers




Cooperation overview

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research is involved in 79 partnerships

Toggle map:
Country Number of Partnerships Number of Calls
Austria 54 69
Belgium 63 84
Brazil 5 13
Bulgaria 17 14
Canada 5 12
Czech Republic 20 26
Denmark 46 51
Estonia 41 45
France 71 89
Georgia 1 1
Germany 69 82
Hungary 24 21
Iceland 24 20
Ireland 44 47
Israel 25 27
Italy 50 58
Latvia 34 47
Lithuania 30 38
Moldova 5 6
Morocco 2 4
Norway 64 88
Poland 50 62
Portugal 52 55
Romania 40 56
Slovakia 19 21
South Africa 7 12
Spain 61 80
Sweden 55 73
Switzerland 32 42
Taiwan 3 11
Tunisia 3 9
Türkiye 36 51
Malta 8 10
Slovenia 36 35
United Kingdom 64 63
Finland 53 57
Greece 22 21
United States 4 7
Miscellaneous 1 0
Croatia 15 8
Luxembourg 14 13
Cyprus 15 24
Faroe Islands 1 2
Russia 5 5
Argentina 4 5
Egypt 3 3
Chile 0 1
New Zealand 3 4
Uruguay 0 1
European Union 9 14
Burkina Faso 1 2
Côte d'Ivoire 0 4
Kenya 1 2
Greenland 1 0
Ghana 1 1
Madagascar 0 1
Senegal 1 1
Algeria 1 1
Cameroon 1 1
Uganda 1 1
Korea, Republic of 1 1
Belarus 1 5
Japan 1 3
Nordic Countries 2 0
China 0 2
India 3 4
Qatar 0 2
Albania 1 0
Montenegro 1 0
Ukraine 1 0
Serbia 2 1