
United Kingdom Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

Country: United Kingdom

The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) carries out world-class research into sustainable future energy systems. UKERC acts a focal point for UK energy research and a gateway between the UK and the international energy research communities. Our interdisciplinary, whole systems research informs UK policy development and strategies of public, private and third sector organisations. UKERC is funded by UK Research and Innovation Energy Programme. UKERC reports to a Funders Group convened by UKRI, and is advised by an independent Advisory Board. Find out more about UKERC Governance.

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Organisation Details

National organisation

Type of national organisation

  • National Agency or Council with responsibilities for distributing funds directly to researchers

Cooperation overview

United Kingdom Energy Research Centre is involved in 0 partnerships

Toggle map:
Country Number of Partnerships Number of Calls
Luxembourg 0 1
Italy 0 1
Germany 0 1
Czech Republic 0 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 1
Belgium 0 1
Finland 0 1
Hungary 0 1
Cyprus 0 1
Denmark 0 1
Ireland 0 1
Serbia 0 1
North Macedonia 0 1
Austria 0 1
Slovenia 0 1
Greece 0 1
Croatia 0 1
Spain 0 1
Romania 0 1
Iceland 0 1
Portugal 0 1
Latvia 0 1
Lithuania 0 1
Netherlands 0 1
Norway 0 1
Malta 0 1
Poland 0 1
Albania 0 1
Ukraine 0 1
Slovakia 0 1
Sweden 0 1
France 0 1