
University of Copenhagen (UCPH)


Country: Denmark

The University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark. It merged with The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences a few years ago and is now one of the largest Health and Life Science centers in Northern Europe. Especially the Faculty of Science is involved in food related research.

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National organisation


Cooperation overview

University of Copenhagen is involved in 4 partnerships

Toggle map:
Country Number of Partnerships Number of Calls
Belgium 4 0
Spain 4 0
Austria 3 0
France 4 0
Greece 3 0
Germany 4 0
Slovakia 3 0
Italy 4 0
Ireland 1 0
Estonia 3 0
Portugal 3 0
Sweden 4 0
Norway 4 0
Lithuania 3 0
Latvia 3 0
Slovenia 4 0
Netherlands 4 0
Finland 4 0
Poland 3 0
Georgia 1 0
Türkiye 2 0
Switzerland 3 0
United Kingdom 4 0
Croatia 2 0
Czech Republic 2 0
Luxembourg 2 0
Israel 2 0
Cyprus 2 0
Hungary 1 0
Iceland 2 0
Romania 1 0