Topic 2: Engaging stakeholders in Public-Public-Partnerships


In order to achieve enough critical mass to address major societal challenges by pooling resources from different countries, involvement of a wide range of actors, such as national research funding organisations, relevant research communities from academia and industry as well as user communities  need to be integrated in European Public-Public-Partnerships (P2Ps).

Most of the P2Ps have developed some sort of measures for including different stakeholders in their actions, at different stages of development of their joint planning processes. In most of P2Ps, delegates from different stakeholder groups are represented in the governance structures of P2Ps. However, tasks, procedures, actual involvement, and expected utility of stakeholder engagement differ considerably from each other.

While some P2Ps combined representatives of scientific, technological and societal consultation in one board, other JPIs distinguished between stakeholder groups and their representation, e.g. consultations with industry and technology developers or providers may be organised in a special way distinct from societal stakeholders or citizens. In addition, neither a joint terminology concerning stakeholder engagement nor a definition of common guidelines or good practices for P2Ps have been identified. 


 Against this background, the workshop pursues the following objectives:

  • to provide an overview on existing approaches for stakeholder engagement among existing P2Ps,
  • to discuss the purpose and desired outcomes of stakeholder engagement in European P2P,
  • and to explore options on how to involve relevant stakeholders at different levels of engagement.

Target Group 

This parallell session is directed towards representatives of P2P governing boards, executive agencies, and representatives of stakeholder groups. 
