Date: 28/09/2016 - 29/09/2016
A hands-on Workshop for new practitioners in ERA-NET Cofund
The workshops will provide guidance for new ERA-NET Cofund coordinators and core partners. The participants will be introduced to the ERA-NET Cofund scheme, the ERA-LEARN 2020 website and the ERA-LEARN online toolbox. Interactive Group Work sessions will focus on “planning, preparing and managing an ERA-Net Cofund project” as well as on “implementation of a cofunded call”. The workshop will end with a question and answer session lead by DG Research & Innovation.
Presentations for download:
ERA-NET Cofund: from proposal preparation to implementation and reporting – H2020 requirements (Jörg Niehoff, European Commission, DG RTD)
Introduction to ERA-LEARN 2020 (Roland Brandenburg, FFG, ERA-LEARN 2020 coordinator)
ERA-NET Cofund in practice (Financial Aspects, Consortium Agreement, Additional Activities) (Roland Brandenburg & Ursula Bodisch, FFG)
Phase 1: Proposal preparation & grant preparation; ERA-NET Cofund example BiodivERsA (Claire Blery, FRB - the French Foundation For Research on Biodiversity)
Phase 2: Call implementation; ERA-NET Cofund example FACCE SURPLUS (Nicolas Tinois, Project Management Jülich)
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