Date: 20/06/2017
The workshop aimed at a better understanding of the current roles and experiences of Public to Public Partnerships (P2Ps) in creating and/or exploiting synergies between European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds on the one hand, and national, transnational and European Funds for research and innovation (R&I) on the other. Particular emphasis was given to current hindrances with a view of using the lessons learned within the context of the forthcoming programs of ESI and R&I Funds and effectively pursuing smart specialization strategies.
The workshop gathered delegates from the European Commission, national management authorities exhibiting experiences in using ESI and R&I Funds and representatives of P2Ps (such as JPIs, article 185 initiatives and ERA‐nets
The workshop started with a learning part, in which the relevance of R&I policy for the European cohesion policy and good practices on programme and project level for a better combined use of ESI and R&I Funds were presented. This was followed by an acting part in which limitations and opportunities for a combined use of ESI and R&I Funds were discussed.
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