The initial Definition of “alignment” (2014) was provided by the GPC Working Group on Alignment in public-to-public partnerships. This was later (2016) extended to include also innovation activities, apart from research, and make reference to additional actions apart from the Joint Calls for transnational research and innovation projects , guided by the priorities of the SRIAs.

The main aims to be achieved in implementing Alignment were identified in

  1. increasing synergies amongst (existing) national research programmes and activities;
  2. triggering cost-efficiencies in research financing (e.g., via leverage effects);
  3. enhancing the level of scientific performance;
  4. helping the identification of the research gaps; and
  5. maximising the research impact on policymaking and innovation, in order to tackle more effectively societal challenges.

The “Typology” includes specific alignment actions and instruments currently in use by R&I partnerships that promoted greater alignment amongst EU national research programmes and activities at strategic, operational and financial level, as well as novel and new approaches, modalities and instruments of recent implementation or potential interest for the P2P community.

Alignment typologies were also investigated in a trans-regional perspective and a multi-context approach was provided in their assessment.

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