A crucial element of the Joint Programming Process is represented by the “alignment” of national and European research and innovation strategies, programmes, activities, and funding. Its practical implementation mainly relies on the alignment of existing, or planned, national and regional research and innovation programmes with the Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas (SRIAs) of research and innovation partnerships. Alignment modalities include actions and approaches which go beyond the establishment of Joint Calls for transnational research and innovation projects thus recognising that alignment aims at structuring both research and innovation efforts of EU Member States and Horizon2020 Associated Countries, to help establishing the European Research Area (ERA) and tackle societal challenges more effectively.

The following sections provide elements for a thorough analysis of the concept of alignment, starting from the development of a mutual understanding of what “alignment” means and the elaboration of a Typology of different (joint) actions and approaches that can facilitate the practical implementation of alignment across the research and innovation programming cycle.

Specific case studies and summary reports of dedicated workshops lead to the identification and analysis of good practices in this area. These are then summarised by the elaboration of a SWOT (strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats) analysis of alignment actions and approaches in use in R&I partnerships.


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