One of EU main goal in supporting future European Partnerships is to make sure these joint endavours are created and implemented with respect for openness and transparency principle. Partnerships should demonstrate openness towards all relevant partners and stakeholders already in the process of the programme design and remain open to newcomers and interested parties throughout its lifetime. Adopting openness and transparency principle and ensuring right portfolio of partners will help identify priorities and build partnerships’ vision and work plan, attain strategic policy goals and maximize the programme’s impact.

Openness and transparency should be demonstrated on three different levels of the partnership’s lifetime:

Designing and preparing the partnership

In the phase of preparation of a future partnership, it should be ensured that a broad range of partners and stakeholders from relevant sectors and geographical areas are identified and invited to engage with the programme. Procedures for involving partners should be put in place and make available to potential interested parties. In addition, a clear target group and ways to involve it in partnership’s strategic research agenda should be defined. EU-added value and international dimension with regard to partnership consortium should also be demonstrated.

Implementing the partnership and promoting an open membership

A partnership should continue facilitating contact and seek collaboration with different stakeholder communities and interested parties in all phases of its implementation. It should strive to attract and involve new partners and further define its goals and priorities in consultation with relevant stakeholders in the course of the partnership.

Disseminating programme results

Partnership should take every effort to disseminate its results in an open and transparent way. Programme outcomes should be promoted through appropriate channels among all interested parties, including non-members, across the EU and beyond.

More information about openness and transparency can be found in ERAC Working Paper “Draft criteria Framework for European Partnerships under Horizon Europe”.

Sharing Excellence and Widening Countries

One important component of Openness and transparency principle is strengthening the European Research Area through Sharing Excellence and Widening Participation in all pillars of Horizon Europe, and through the Partnership instrument. Enhancing participation of Widening and less performing countries in European Partnerships is crucial for achieving excellence and diversity of expertise in supported research and innovation endavours. Only with broad range of partners across European Research Area involved can common European and global challenges be addressed. Involving Widening and less performing countries in the entire life cycle of the partnership is particularly important in achieving significant impact and delivering on EU policy priorities.

Examples of actions aimed at supporting openness and transparency can be found in the ERA-LEARN Report on Inclusiveness in European R&I Partnership Programme.

Widening and Inclusiveness

The main goal of Widening actions is to enhance the participation of the “Widening Countries” in EU Framework Programmes. Figures and studies show a substantial gap between the so-called EU13 countries, which joined the EU after 2004, and the EU14 Member States, something which is also mirrored in the area of research and innovation.

More Information on Widening and Inclusiveness

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