ERA-NET Cofund under Horizon 2020 – the principles

The duration of ERA-NET Cofund actions is set at 5 years. During this time the consortium has to prepare and implement the call, select and negotiate the projects, finalise the projects including final payment to their beneficiaries. A shorter duration than 5 years is not feasible. It is possible to amend the grant agreement and allow for a longer duration, e.g. when consortia face problems in finalising the funded projects.

In Horizon 2020 it is not any longer possible to support ERA-NETs with a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) and support only the networking. Only in exceptional cases it might be considered to support the preparation and structuring of specific emerging Public-Public Partnerships that demonstrate clear European added value.

A summary presentation by the EC gives an overview on the "ERA-NET Cofund in Horizon 2020".

Furthermore the EC provides Frequently asked questions concerning ERA-NET Cofund.

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