The default option for ERA-NET Cofund actions foresees two reporting periods and two pre-financing payments. The first reporting period covers the period until the end of the evaluation and selection. In this case the first pre-financing payment corresponds to up to 30%, and the second pre-financing payment to 60% of the total Union contribution.

Only in exceptional cases, when there are insufficient payments credits for the seconds pre-financing payment, three reporting period and three pre-financing payments will be foreseen in the Grant Agreement, with up to 30% for the first pre-financing payments and each 30% for the second and for the third pre-financing payment.

No interim payment is foreseen in the ERA-NET Cofund, but only pre-financing payments and payment of the balance at the end of the action to take into account the fact that eligible costs for support to third parties are normally only available after the end of the transnational projects.

To support the financial planning of the coordinator ERA-LEARN provides an Excel File for the coordinator's liquidity planning.

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