There is a wide range of opportunities for developing synergies between the European Mission and Partnerships. These are mapped in Horizon Europe Strategic Plans and Work Programmes, as well as the Mission Implementation Plans, Partnership SRIAs and Annual Work Programmes. The actual prioritisation and selection of synergies requires a clear understanding of resources, necessary coordination activities and additional resources, as well as expected benefits for the participating parties.
The impacts arising from climate change in sectors such as agriculture, health and transport can be addressed both by Partnerships and Missions from different perspectives, thus providing spaces for complementarity and exchange of experiences. In this context, it is important to identify additionalities and build on the diversity of efforts, as well as foster learning across the instrument landscape about tackling similar challenges, addressing relevant leverage points, and overcoming barriers.
One Partnership |
Several Partnerships |
One Mission |
Dedicated synergy creation with several key focal points. |
Cross-partnership synergies to address priorities of a specific Mission. |
Several Missions |
Cross-mission thematic Calls in a partnership-specific area. |
Shared fora for collaboration and exchange across partnerships and Missions. |
EU Mission A Soil Deal for Europe X Agroecology Partnership
The main links between the EU Mission and the Partnership refer to research activities, cross-cutting themes, coordinating calls and joint calls, cooperation on projects and soil monitoring activities. There are also opportunities for data interoperability and data sharing, as well as connecting living labs and lighthouses. In ‘non-research areas’, it is feasible to sharing of good practices, experts, capacity building and communication and dissemination.
EU Mission Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities X Driving Urban Transitions Partnership
The synergies may arise from bringing actors across urban settings to co-create change and foster new approaches involving cities and the wider communities (local authorities, municipalities, businesses and citizens). Cities Mission objectives at a regional and city level can leverage policy effects and valorise activities. The Mission and Partnerships can leverage their stakeholders and resources to connect experiences at different levels and foster peer-to-peer learning, capacity building and improve valorisation and mainstreaming.
EU Mission “Adaptation to Climate Change” X JPI Climate
Bringing together these two instruments allows to highlight various facets of climate action, including SSH integration, societal transformation, economic and financial aspects, etc.
Given these diverse facets, synergies can be generated through exchange and dialogues between the science and policy domains to enhance knowledge transfer, cross-fertilisation and improve assessments on key issues.
Source: European Partnership Stakeholder Forum 2023 “From idea to impact”