Strategy and Foresight
Achieving SDGs and EU policy priorities requires effective R&I governance and impactful instruments. In this context, partnerships should contribute to the wider societal transformation and, more specifically, the overall objectives of Horizon Europe. Article 10 of the Horizon Europe regulation outlines a list of principles that the partnerships should adhere to, while Annex IV details them in relation to the stages of the partnership lifecycle: (1) selection, (2) implementation, (3) monitoring and (4) evaluation, phasing-out- and renewal. Here, we highlight how those principles should be reflected in the SRIA document.
A SRIA should be guided by high-level policy priorities, well reflected in its vision and general and specific objectives. These should be well addressed via Partnership impact pathways aligned with the Key Impact Pathways framework, and accompanied by concrete, measurable targets. SRIA should include appropriate approaches for monitoring and assessing progress towards objectives. Partnerships should also achieve a strong leverage effect.
The partnership should be open to relevant stakeholders as well as transparent throughout their implementation. More information is in the Openness and Transparency section.
SRIA is not an action plan. Flexibility in the SRIA allows the partnership to adjust and/or specify actions along the way, while being precise enough to detail the work plans. Partnerships should also agree upon an appropriate time to review and renew the SRIA at the start of the partnership, as this helps to improve agility and flexibility.
A SRIA should delineate key stakeholders relevant to pursuing its objectives and lay out how these stakeholders are being addressed and engaged in the development process of the SRIA and throughout the operation of the partnership. SRIA development should be a participatory process, allowing for ownership and relevance of results for society.
The SRIA should identify and elaborate on such synergies and potential opportunities for collaboration with other initiatives at regional, national and local levels. Joint actions can be used to facilitate the realization of objectives, support capacity building and up-take of results. More information is provided in the Alignment and Synergies section.
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