The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda is a partnership’s strategy document, which identifies its objectives, impact areas and expected outcomes, portfolio of activities, outputs, and milestones within a certain timeline. A SRIA should present a long-term systemic approach following clear underlying principles, impact logic and pathways, while also outlining how the partnership aims to navigate uncertainty and new developments.

We might think of a SRIA as a research and innovation master plan towards the achievement of the vision of the partnership. SRIA is set out to define the long-term logic of actions to be undertaken by the partnership to reach its ultimate goals given the resources that will be committed by partners for the course of operations. It results from a structured process undertaken and agreed upon by the partners to connect the vision with a more substantial planning that provides the basis for an annual or multi-annual work plan of the partnership.

In addition to SRIA, the key documents for European Partnerships include:

  • Draft proposal prepared by partners that describes the ambition, general and specific objectives, implementation, and resource aspects.
  • Legal form of the European Partnership (Memorandum of understanding for co-programmed partnerships, and grant agreement for co-funded and basic act for Article 185/7 initiatives)
  • Annual plans/programmes through which SRIA / roadmaps of R&I priorities are being implemented.