Which actors should be involved in developing a SRIA?

The SRIA is a key document of the partnership, guiding those in charge of designing and implementing the partnership and information for all actors interested or potentially affected by the partnership. When establishing the partnership proposal, among others, the following actors could be considered as target groups:

Research and innovation communities

The public and private research actors (including actors such as public authorities, NGOs and civic organizations that pursue research and/or have an interest in research results) active in the areas of operation of the partnership, are a key target group of the SRIA. To the research and innovation communities, the SRIA should provide an overview of key topics, measures and instruments being developed, and their role within the partnership. The R&I community should also be involved in the process of setting up the SRIA.

Policy Makers and national decision-making bodies

Member States, associated countries and relevant regions should be considered in the early development process of a SRIA and in the communication and outreach activities of a partnership to ensure that relevant stakeholders from all countries are made aware of the opportunities from an early stage of strategy development. By reaching out to policy makers and national decision-making bodies, a SRIA can inform national and regional policymakers and actively contribute to a better alignment of policy making processes and increase synergies.

Operational Management of the Partnerships

For the management authorities of the partnership, the SRIA is the main source of information for the prioritization of planned activities and support in making choices upon concrete implementation measures. The SRIA can also provide a reference framework for a monitoring and evaluation system.

Other Partnerships

To other partnerships, SRIA provides a valuable source of information for their planning. A SRIA is the starting point for the identification of synergies between partnerships and the planning of transversal actions across Partnerships.