The following provides some examples of monitoring and assessment reports that have been produced by several mature P2P networks and one national funding organisation. We welcome additional examples from other networks to support mutual learning.

FACCE Evaluation Report 2020

The Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) FACCE published its evaluation report on FACCE-JPI’s progress towards alignment of national and European research programmes as well as the first assessment of FACCE-JPI’s scientific outputs with regard to high quality transnational research. Based on surveys and bibliometrics analysis, the evaluation revealed increased alignment of national and European research programmes as well as excellent scientific performance of FACCE-JPI’s research activities.


An external evaluation was report was delivered as D6.6 of J-AGE that examined the progress of JPI-MYBL in its stated aims, the role and contribution of the J-AGE project to the JPI and the effectiveness of the governance arrangements for the JPI.


BONUS, the joint Baltic Sea research and development programme, commissioned two studies to assess the
programme’s impact with particular emphasis on the years 2009–2016 of BONUS projects’ implementation. Given the policy driven nature of BONUS, key emphasis was put on the impact of BONUS on the progress of Baltic Sea science and the practical use of BONUS-generated knowledge for stakeholders, as stipulated in the BONUS strategic research agenda.  The briefing paper, provided in the link below, gives a summary of the key findings of the two assessment studies. The first study reported how BONUS has contributed to scientific excellence and dissemination of results from Baltic Sea research, the progress of science in the region, and ultimately to evidence-based decision-making on the Baltic Sea ecosystem. The second study reported on the practical use of BONUS-funded research in support of relevant policies, innovative industries and structuring the macro-regional research area.


The Article 185 on Metrology was originally established under FP7 as the ‘European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP)’ and continues as the ‘European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR)’ under Horizon 2020.  Annual calls on various topics (e.g. industry, energy, environment, health) have been launched every year since 2009.  Monitoring and assessment of Joint Research Projects is an important activity.  Project-specific data is collected using a cumulative ‘Output and Impact Report’ and case study reports have been published at both the project and thematic level.




This ERA-NET on biodiversity and ecosystem services has been active since 2005 and has launched six joint calls since 2008.  The current phase is supported through a Horizon 2020 ERA-NET Cofund Action.  It has carried out an evaluation to assess the extent to which projects funded by BiodivERsA are able to effectively deliver high-profile academic products, while fruitfully engaging with relevant stakeholders and delivering a range of  society-relevant products.


ERA-IB-2 conducted a monitoring exercise of the supported projects. This was based on a set of indicators designed to evaluate the performance of ERA-IB-2 activities in general, with a strong focus on the analysis of the transnational joint calls results. The main results of the four ERA-IB-2 joint calls are presented and discussed in this report, showing the importance of the ERA-IB-2 network in the promotion of a collaborative European research in industrial biotechnology.


The ICT-AGRI network is concerned with enabling precision farming by means of ICT and robotics.  It was originally established in 2009 as an ERA-NET Coordination Action under FP7.  The follow on ICT-AGRI-2 project started in 2014 and will continue until the end of 2017.  In 2015, the consortium developed an impact model to assess the achievements of the funded projects, and of the funding initiative itself, and also an online questionnaire to collect data from applicants.  The impact assessment has now been completed and the report is available to view by following the link below.


MANUNET was originally established in 2006 as an ERA-NET Coordination Action under FP6, in the field of Manufacturing.  During the 2nd phase of the network (MANUNET II) the consortium carried out an impact assessment of its annual joint calls from 2007 to 2015.


The FP7 ERA-NET Coordination Action on materials science and engineering (M-ERA.NET) commenced in 2012 and built on two previous ERA-NET projects: MATERA and MNT-ERA.NET.  Continuous assessment of the network and funded projects is an important feature if this network and a number of reports have been produced.  An independent final assessment of M-ERA.NET was also completed in February 2016.  

The network continues as an ERA-NET Cofund Action (known as M-ERA.NET 2) since the beginning of 2016.  


A consortium of researchers from Fraunhofer ISI and AIT Austrian Institute of Technology carried out a targeted impact assessment for the COST Association between late April and August 2016. The aim was to investigate the participation of non-academic partners and partners from non-COST countries in COST Actions. In order to increase both the frequency and effectiveness of their participation in COST Actions, there were two concrete goals in this study: firstly, to gain a thorough understanding of the nature and impact of their participation in COST Actions, and secondly, to identify crucial factors which influence the participation of these two groups.

Academy of Finland (AKA)

Following a report produced in June 2016 regarding Finland’s/AKA’s participation in P2P networks, the Academy of Finland has published a brief report on the impact of P2P collaboration to Finnish researchers.  The report illustrates the significance and impact of such European networks and is based on a survey of researchers that received public-to-public funding through AKA.

ERA-LEARN Presentations on Impact Assessment of P2P Networks and Projects

The PLATFORM2 project for bioeconomy networks organised a workshop on ‘Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment of P2P Projects and Networks’ at Copenhagen in June 2017.  This included presentations from members of the ERA-LEARN 2020 team that are leading the work package on ‘Monitoring and Impact Assessment’.  Effie Amanatidou presented the ERA-LEARN 2020 Guide for impact assessment of P2Ps.  Angus Hunter presented the results of the Pilot for Centralised Impact Assessment of EU Co-Funded Projects that had been carried out in partnership with the PLATFORM2 team.  Both of these presentations are available to view using the links below. 

If your network would like to include examples of other reports or relevant documents here, please contact