Data collection
It is important to set up a monitoring and evaluation system to enable collection of the right data at the right time in an efficient way.
However, these data will not be enough to formulate comprehensive answers to the evaluation questions. Monitoring data provide snapshots of what there is and what has been achieved in particular points in time. It does not explain why, or get the insights, perceptions, satisfaction and intentions of key actors, i.e. partnership members, project participants, policy officials, users of results, etc.
Additional data collection is required for this purpose. This is usually done ad-hoc when such information is required and especially ex-post i.e. after the end of a supported project or the partnership overall or at a regular point in time during the partnership's life-time, e.g. five years after its start. Means that are usually deployed for this purpose are targeted questionnaire surveys, interviews or case studies although other means can also be applied.
A short description of the various data collection and analysis methods for evaluation and impact assessment can be found in Annexes A.2 and A.3 in the report "Evaluation of Innovation Activities" as well as on pages 25-27 in the report "Engaging with Impact".
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