1. Additionality |
- What is the level/ share of contributions compared to initial commitments?
- What is the additional private and/or public R&I investments mobilised as a result of joint investment on EU priorities (leverage effect resulting from the Union intervention)?
- How do impacts from Partnerships compare to those that are created by other Framework Programme actions or national actions?
- How do Partnerships facilitate the creation and expansion of R&I networks that bring together relevant and competent actors from across Europe, thus contributing to the realisation of the ERA?
2. Coherence and synergies |
- Are partnerships more effective in achieving synergies, compared to other modalities of Horizon Europe?
- What is the level of coherence among partnerships, and between partnerships and Framework Programme activities, other EU action and national/sectorial action (in relation to objectives and impacts sought, partners involved, and activities implemented)?
3. Directionality |
- Progress towards the common strategic vision of the purpose of the European Partnership?
- Do Partnerships clearly demonstrate delivery of results for the EU and its citizens, notably global challenges, and competitiveness, which cannot be achieved by traditional calls alone?
4. Flexibility in implementation |
- How is flexibility ensured in updating the Strategic Research Innovation Agendas, or equivalent strategic documents that guide the Partnerships and in adjusting objectives, activities, and resources to changing market and/or policy needs?
5. International visibility |
- To what extent are partnerships acting as global ambassador for the European R&I system/establish global relevance/ achieve scientific and technological reputation in the international context/ serve as hubs for international cooperation, where appropriate?
- What is the level of international cooperation at partnership and project level and how does this result in visibility for the European Partnership?
6. Phasing out preparedness |
- What are the foreseen measures and conditions set for the orderly phasing-out of the Partnership from the Framework Programme funding?
- Is there a plan for the Partnership to become self-sustained after the planned period of EU support?
7. Transparency and openness |
- Is the necessary information available to all possible stakeholders on the Partnership activities (functioning of the governance, management, and decision-making processes, SRIA development, call topics selection and call implementation, etc.), communication, dissemination, and outreach measures, and access to results?
- What is the level of openness in use of research result?
- Are there open and transparent processes for consulting all relevant stakeholders and constituent entities in the identification of priorities?
- Are there procedures / mechanisms in place to expand the partnership to involve new members at partnership and project level, as well as gradually engage a broader set of stakeholders across Europe?
- Measures ensuring information to SMEs and promotion of their participation (notably for partnerships with industry participants).