Filling in the Common Indicators Survey

Horizon Europe’s new approach to monitoring and reporting, and the principle of no duplication with partnership-specific KIPs are the guiding light for the non-technical choice of the common indicators. As specified in the First Interim Report of the Expert Group for the Support of the Strategic Coordination Process, they correspond to specific monitoring and evaluation questions as shown below drawing upon the legal framework for setting up European Partnerships.

Monitoring and evaluation questions indicating the partnership is meeting with the requirements set in the legal basis
1. Additionality
  • What is the level/ share of contributions compared to initial commitments?
  • What is the additional private and/or public R&I investments mobilised as a result of joint investment on EU priorities (leverage effect resulting from the Union intervention)?
  • How do impacts from Partnerships compare to those that are created by other Framework Programme actions or national actions?
  • How do Partnerships facilitate the creation and expansion of R&I networks that bring together relevant and competent actors from across Europe, thus contributing to the realisation of the ERA?
2. Coherence and synergies
  • Are partnerships more effective in achieving synergies, compared to other modalities of Horizon Europe?
  • What is the level of coherence among partnerships, and between partnerships and Framework Programme activities, other EU action and national/sectorial action (in relation to objectives and impacts sought, partners involved, and activities implemented)?
3. Directionality
  • Progress towards the common strategic vision of the purpose of the European Partnership?
  • Do Partnerships clearly demonstrate delivery of results for the EU and its citizens, notably global challenges, and competitiveness, which cannot be achieved by traditional calls alone?
4. Flexibility in implementation
  • How is flexibility ensured in updating the Strategic Research Innovation Agendas, or equivalent strategic documents that guide the Partnerships and in adjusting objectives, activities, and resources to changing market and/or policy needs?
5. International visibility
  • To what extent are partnerships acting as global ambassador for the European R&I system/establish global relevance/ achieve scientific and technological reputation in the international context/ serve as hubs for international cooperation, where appropriate?
  • What is the level of international cooperation at partnership and project level and how does this result in visibility for the European Partnership?
6. Phasing out preparedness
  • What are the foreseen measures and conditions set for the orderly phasing-out of the Partnership from the Framework Programme funding?
  • Is there a plan for the Partnership to become self-sustained after the planned period of EU support?
7. Transparency and openness
  • Is the necessary information available to all possible stakeholders on the Partnership activities (functioning of the governance, management, and decision-making processes, SRIA development, call topics selection and call implementation, etc.), communication, dissemination, and outreach measures, and access to results?
  • What is the level of openness in use of research result?
  • Are there open and transparent processes for consulting all relevant stakeholders and constituent entities in the identification of priorities?
  • Are there procedures / mechanisms in place to expand the partnership to involve new members at partnership and project level, as well as gradually engage a broader set of stakeholders across Europe?
  • Measures ensuring information to SMEs and promotion of their participation (notably for partnerships with industry participants).

The list of the suggested common indicators for the future BMRs based on the work of the Expert Group during 2021-2022 is the following. Although this list is to be maintained through the years, it is also prescribed that slight modifications may be needed from one BMR to the other considering the particular thematic focus on each BMR and the data being available.

Proposed final list of common indicators for future BMRs
N Criterion addressed Common indicator Unit of measurement Baseline (*) Results [reporting year] (*) Target 2027(*)
1 Additionality Progress towards (financial and in-kind) contributions from partners other than the Union – i.e. committed vs. actual Million Euro
2 Additionality/
Additional investments triggered by the EU contribution, including qualitative impacts related to additional activities (**) Qualitative


Overall (public and private, in-kind and cash) investments mobilised towards EU priorities %of total partnership budget
4 Transparency
and openness
Measures ensuring continuous openness and transparency and dedicated activities as they are more concrete and call to action Qualitative
5 Transparency
and openness
Newcomer members that have joined the partnerships (disaggregated per type and countries of origin) % of total members
6 Transparency
and openness
Newcomer beneficiaries in funded projects
(disaggregated per type and countries of origin)
7 Coherence and
Coordinated and joint activities with other European Partnerships and EU Missions Qualitative
8 Coherence and
Complementary and cumulative funding from other Union funds (national funding, Cohesion Policy Funds, RRF, CEF, DEP, other) % of the total partnership budget
9 International
visibility and
Visibility of the partnership in national, European, international
policy/industry cycles
10 Alignment of national / regional / sectorial policies (strategic level) The degree to which national policies/ priorities are reflected in the SRIAs and the degree to which the SRIAs influence national policies and strategies. Qualitative

(*) To be defined by each Partnership.

(**) For this indicator, quantitative data will hopefully become available as of 2023 or later.