• Limit to 10-20 KPIs that are directly related to the PSIPs; the main KPIs that are essential for the partnership to achieve its goals. It is understood that more KPIs may be monitored; the partnership may provide hyperlinks to its own reports in a text window below the table.
  • There may be some overlap with the common indicators. If some of these common indicators and their targets are essential within the PSIPs, they should indeed be reported here (e.g., the number of newcomers may be an outcome to support reaching a specific impact).
  • Avoid too many qualitative indicators.
  • Keep names of indicators and units of measurement short.
  • Do not confuse objectives with indicators, or indicators with units of measurement.
  • If an indicator is purely qualitative, write ‘qualitative indicator’ under the unit of measurement.
  • Some indicators may have annual targets (and thus also biennial targets), others may not, as they will only be measured once or twice over the lifetime of the partnership. If this is the case, there’s no need to fill out all the target cells.

Examples of PSIPs drawing on BMR 2022